St. Petersburg's rounded edges and center-screen display directs your viewers nicely into your images and presentation. With left-side navigation and large image display area, St. Petersburg is great for setting up your site with SiteWelder Flash slide show presentations.
In our site example here, we've set up the display with no home page navigation and a custom logo setup. A slide show plays on the entry page as well.
Similar to the Reston design, New York uses sharp-looking boxes to frame your work. With right-side thumbnails on HTML galleries, your users can easily look through your work. And the top-based navigation includes pulldowns for the image gallery links.
New York is clean, and crisp and directs your visitors towards the middle of the screen for maximum image impact.
Athens is the original SiteWelder design. With its straightforward design and easy-to-use navigation setup, it's a great option.
Galleries can be displayed in HTML or Flash slideshow format - in both cases, thumbnails will display below large versions of your images. Wide-format photographers have also found Athens to be a good design choice - there is plenty of horizontal space to display your extra-wide images.